They rented a flat, let in their sister.The owner detected strangers in a minute."He admitted he has cameras"

The inhabitants of Wrocław decided to rent an attractive apartment in the city center.And although the owner of the luxury real estate from the beginning seemed oversensitive to order, they did not expect that at the level of security of his property he would go so far.It turned out that the object is monitored and the owner can check at any time who is entering or leaving the premises.


They let their sister into the apartment.The owner reacted in a minute: "I see strangers"

The couple who rented a flat found out very quickly about it.A few days after signing the contract, she handed the key to a loved one - a boy's sister.She came to the city to find a flat for herself."Literally a minute after she entered the apartment, the landlord got a message from the owner.He asked if she made the place available to someone because there were strangers inside." - reports the NOIZZ portal.

Wynajęli mieszkanie, wpuścili siostrę. Właściciel w minutę wykrył obcych.

The owner of the property after a short exchange of sentences admitted that he has two cameras."I thought you knew about them," he said.The landlord, however, assured that there was no mention of monitoring in the contract.Cameras, activated in movement, however, they operated constantly.

The tenants decided - at the instigation of lawyers - to withdraw from the contract.They hoped that thanks to this they would regain the deposit paid.The owner was to declare that with 5,000.PLN can only be given to 1.4 thousand.zloty., "because it must deduct for electricity, gas, etc.." - former tenants report in an interview with the portal.The landlords demand the whole and do not exclude the case to court.They claim that the premises used only six days.

Experts: recording may violate the rules

The lawyers with whom the couple consulted found that placing a camera that registers people entering and leaving the apartment, may have a violation of the provisions regarding the GDPR.This is confirmed by the judgments.In March, the District Court in Toruń agreed to the tenant of one of the apartments who felt under surveillance by the building manager.He installed a camera that covered the door to a private premises.

In 2015, before the entry into force of the GDPR directive, a verdict was passed in Wrocław, according to which everyone who strives to protect their own property through the monitoring system, first monitors their own property."The referral of the lens towards the neighboring property allows to assume that the motives of the defendant's activity have quite a different substrate." - we read in the ruling.

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