The situation on the Polish-Belarusian border.Frontex will support the organization of migrants' return to countries of origin

According to information provided by PAP by Deputy Minister of the Interior and Administration Bartosz Grodecki.However, the Polish authorities are willing to cooperate with the agency in the organization of Migrants' return to countries of origin.

The deputy minister emphasizes that currently the Polish-Belarusian border is protected by over 7,000 Border Guard officers, police and soldiers of the Polish Army, and there will be even more of them.They are deployed in part of the areas of the Podlasie and Lublin provinces covered by a unique state.In addition, the authorities plan to turn the border fence into a wall, which can cost up to PLN 2 billion.

For supervising border areas, soldiers also use drones with a thermal imaging camera.These are much more effective tools than ordinary patrols and tracking dogs.Drones allow you to monitor a large area on an ongoing basis on the Belarusian side of the border.

Zobacz także: Nagroda Nominacja w kategorii Człowiek Roku - Mateusz Juroszek, STS

Sytuacja na granicy polsko-białoruskiej. Frontex wesprze organizację powrotów migrantów do krajów pochodzenia

On a recording published on Twitter Territorial Defense Forces, we see a picture from a thermal imaging camera on a foggy day.We can see black points on it, which may indicate a camp of 6-10 people on the Belarusian side no more than 100 m from the border.

In addition, Bartosz Grodecki mentioned that during a visit to the border of October 4, the head of Frontex Fabrice Leggeri declared the agency's involvement in organizing flights from Poland to third countries.Frontex already has a return system, experienced people and prepared funds for this purpose.Poland already has a group of people with a return decision, so Frontex will be able to organize such a flight soon.

In recent months, the number of illegal crossings of the border has increased significantly, and according to the Border Guard in October there were as many as 12 thousand.attempts.The problem of Belarus using migrants from the Middle East or Afghanistan as a tool of political pressure in response to sanctions imposed on the Lukashenko regime.

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