Ochojska helped illegal immigrants cross the border.Border Guard: It was a set of survey country world recommended articles

PO MEP Janina Ochojska boasted that she had helped three illegal immigrants cross the Polish border. Border Patrol says it was a set-up.

Ochojska announced on Wednesday evening that she participated in the "intervention" of the Granica Group, as a result of which three illegal immigrants from Syria, who had already been pushed out of Poland five times, managed to illegally cross the border and apply for asylum. "Only the lights of the cameras, our presence and the protection won by the Court of Human Rights saved them from another deportation," she wrote. MEP Róża Maria Barbara Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein (née Woźniakowska), who also participated in this action together with MEP Kohut, wrote that they found them in the forest.

Ochojska helped illegal immigrants cross the border. Guard Border Guard: it was a set-up Country World Survey Recommended articles

Lt. Anna Michalska, the spokesperson of the Border Guard, referred to the case on Thursday. In her opinion, everything was a set-up. She revealed that around 10 p.m. the Border Guard post in Szudzialów received powers of attorney for three unknown foreigners. It was only an hour later that the officers from the same post received an anonymous report about three illegal immigrants from a "border resident".

After arriving at the place, apart from three men and Ochojska, journalists were also waiting for the officers. Ochojska was to demand that the guards show her ID. The people accompanying her made it difficult to perform their official duties by placing phones close to the guards' faces to record their conversation or blocking the way to the official vehicle. Lt. Michalska noted that the illegal immigrants were clean, rested and dressed in new clothes and shoes. They had cards with an English-language asylum request. They were taken to the Border Guard post, where they confirmed that they wanted to submit applications for international protection in Poland. They will be accepted in the presence of an interpreter.

"This is what the scene looked like. From our point of view, it was a set-up, because before the officers were summoned to these people, the powers of attorney arrived, and the cameras were waiting for us on the spot - the spokeswoman noted, adding that it is not known where these foreigners were before. – “It was done to record how we deal with foreigners. The worst thing was that instead of cooperating with us - which we always say: we are open to cooperation with foundations - it was these people who hindered our activities" - she emphasized.