Lists of atheists 3.0 It is already known why the auction in Janów was not a success

As reported by Radio Lepsza Nowina, Minister Jurgiel has such a bad press that he decided to win the favor of, for example, ecologists and issued a circular addressed to highlanders. Referring to their local and national patriotism and business sense, he pointed to the significant problem of the contamination of mountain hiking trails with sheep droppings. He calls on all true Polish highlanders to start collecting sheep poop from the trails, following the example of city residents cleaning up after their dogs (with highlanders during the holiday season) in order to increase the aesthetic value of tourism and the overall comfort of city guests. Clean paths will certainly translate into an increase in the purchase of local cheeses - assures the minister.

Listy ateistów 3.0 Już wiadomo, dlaczego aukcja w Janowie nie była sukcesem


Impossible? But what exactly limits Minister Jurgiel?