Evacuation from Afghanistan.Among 119 people activist for women's rights and a former minister

New rules on Afghan television.Series without women

The Greek authorities said that among the people who came to the country are the former minister of DS.Mohybullah boundaries and tribal matters, a lawyer conducting cases against Taliban soldiers and activists fighting for women's rights.

Ewakuacja z Afganistanu. Wśród 119 osób działaczki na rzecz praw kobiet i były minister

Since the power in Afghanistan in August was taken over.

See: Polish-Belarusian border.Mariusz Kamiński: The dam will have 180 km.Barbed wire and cameras

In order to avoid uncontrolled migration from 2015, Greece has strengthened safety on its eastern border with Turkey by building a 40-kilometer wall equipped with equipment monitoring equipment.So far, however, there has not been a large influx of Afghan refugees who could try to get to the country illegally - reminded the daily "Kathimerini".

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