Driver's attention.There will be new radars at intersections!

Four positions were designated at the airport, at which light signals were set, and horizontal marking was stuck on the surface - intersection of T - simulating intersection infrastructure.During several hundred vehicles of various types (passenger, bus and truck), daily traffic situations were simulated.Mested the devices properly identify the offense, type of vehicle, or effectively read the registration numbers and the quality of the camera registered, both during the day and at night.The material gathered during the testing will now be analyzed and the highlight will be prepared from proven systems.This helps to select a supplier of new "radars" for the Canard system.


The Center for Automatic Traffic Supervision is planning to cover 30 consecutive intersections in 18 cities.The inspections will be carried out using the camera system, which at the time exceeded the virtual detection vehicle when broadcasting the red world, will automatically detect and register the offense.The contractor, who will be selected during the ongoing tender procedure.The estimated cost of assembly of 30 entry control systems Vehicles The intersection at the red light is PLN 29.5 ml.After this stage, the expansion of the speed camera system, Canardbiego conducted inspections at 50 intersections.Today, 20 intersections are constant controlled.

Increasing the number of intersections covered by the inspections is the next time the expansion of the CANARD GITD speed camera as part of the project "Increasing the effectiveness of the automatic thugus system over traffic".It is co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment2014-2020.

The implementation of the project will cover all categories of public roads.Activities, planned as part of the increase in the system, include the inclusion of the latest generation.The project involves the purchase of 358 recording devices, including 100 devices that will be installed in new locations:

-39 devices for segmental average speed measurement,

Uwaga kierowcy. Będą nowe radary na skrzyżowaniach!

-26 of stationary registration devices (speed cameras),

- 30 devices for monitoring entry to the intersection at a red light,

- 5 devices that are improperly registered for traffic lights on railroad crossings.

11 portable recording devices will be purchased, which will be used in dangerous places, where, for example,.For technical reasons, it is not possible to install stationary registration devices.

247 devices will be installed in the locations used so far.The oldest and most worn -out devices operating under SystemCanard will be successively replaced.The total cost of the project is: PLN 162 million, of which PLN 137.7 million comes from EU funds.

The new devices are to stand in the following locations:

- Łódź.Mickiewicza / Żeromskiego- Warszawaal.Primate Tysiąclecia / Wolska- Nowy Sączaczeliński / Królowej Jadwigi-Krakkuklińskiego / Nowohucka-Katowicestęślickiego / Chorzowska-Rzeszów.Piłsudskiego / AL.Cieplińskiego- Łódź Rondo Inwalidów - Rokicińska / Pushkina- Lublin Rondo Kuklinski - Lubomelska / AL.Solidarności- Kraków Konopnicka / Wadowicka Kalwaryjska-Rzeszów al.Rejtana / AL.AK- Poznań Rondo Kaponiera / Roosevelt- Rzeszów Krakowska / AL.Gene.Okulickiego / AL.Wincenty Witosa- Lublinal.Tysiąclecia / AL.Unii Lubelska-Krakówhucka / AL.Peace - Szczecinal.Liberation / AL.Niepodległości- Bydgoszcz Jagiellońska / Ogińskiego- Warsaw AL.Krakowska / Łopuszańska- Bielsko-Biała Warszawska / Sarni Stok- Łódź Andrzej Struga / Kościuszki- Warsaw PL.Zawiszy / Towarowa- Ruda Śląska 1 May / Kokota- Bydgoszcz Skłodowska / Wyszyński- Kielce Sandomierska / AL.Solidarności- Krakówwadowicka-Zakopiańska / Tischnera-Bożek-Zabrzereliga- Bytomska / Stelmacha-Białystokgenerał Nikodem Sulik / Kaziemierz Wielki- Płockwyszogrodzka / Popiełuszki- Sosnowiecbaczyński / Piłsudskiego Gobiałystokzwierzyniecka / świe.PIO - Piotrków Trybunalski Sikorski / Concordia
