After a loud debut at Vega, Małgorzata Rozenek -Majdan has already received a new role - the script

Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan to kobieta renesansu!

Dzisiaj do kin wszedł nowy film Patryka Vegi “Miłość, s*ks & pandemia”, w którym w roli Nory wystąpiła Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan.It was the first big role of the celebrity, which could add it to the long list of her achievements.Let us remind you that Gosia is a perfect housewife, writes books, helps lost girls to become ladies, supports couples applying for a child in vitro, participates in countless photo and advertising sessions.She also recently founded her clothing brand.

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Today, Małgorzata shared videos with fans on Instastories from the next set.This time the photos took place in a homemade climate, and the star was accompanied by a large team.Gosia also showed the script of the new acting challenge.The celebrity explained that she was recording ... advertising throughout the day!At one of the recordings she joked that today she would have a very difficult role:

Po głośnym debiucie u Vegi, Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan już dostała nową rolę - wyciekł scenariusz |

In the next video she continued her jokes:


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Photo.Screen Instagram


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