Tragedy at the zoo: A mother throws her three-year-old daughter into a bear enclosure

Tragedy at the zoo: A mother who threw her daughter into a bear enclosure faces 15 years in prison. The girl is currently in the hospital.

Zoo tragedy: Mother throws her daughter into brown bear enclosure

A moment of panic at the Tashkent Zoo in Uzbekistan. A mother threw her three-year-old daughter into a bear enclosure. The scene captured by surveillance cameras is circulating on social media.

The video shows the moment when the woman drops the girl. A child falls to the ground after falling from five meters.

Zuzu the bear immediately ran to the girl, but luckily he didn't hurt her. After a while, zoo employees ran into the pen and lured the animal to the inside of the cage> In this way, the staff could save the child. It's a miracle the bear didn't hurt the baby. However, the girl suffered many injuries as a result of the fall. She was transferred to the Pediatric Surgery and Neurosurgery Department of the local hospital.

The mother seen in the video walking calmly to the left has been arrested and will face charges of attempted murder. The woman faces 15 years in prison, the Daily Mail reports.

The reasons for this gesture are still unknown. Meanwhile, the Tashkent Zoo has announced that it will cover all medical costs and guarantee the girl and her brother free access to the zoo for life.

source: Daily Mail,

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