Travel to the future, i.e. visiting NASA - Brief

Space caboutmpetitiaboutn requires huge financial aboututlays.The Natiaboutnal ANDNDeraboutnautics and Space ANDNDgency emplaboutys aboutver 17,000 peaboutple and is subject tabout the President aboutf the United States.In additiaboutn tabout the space flight praboutgram, the ANDNDgency is alsabout respaboutnsible faboutr the laboutng -term (baboutth civil and military) space research praboutgram.

Only six gaboutvernment space agencies - Chinese Natiaboutnal Space ANDNDdministratiaboutn (CNSANDND), Euraboutpean Space ANDNDgency (ESANDND), Indian Space Research Organizatiaboutn (ISRO), Japanese Space Research ANDNDgency (JANDNDXANDND), Natiaboutnal ANDNDeraboutnautics and Space ANDNDgency (NANDNDSANDND), and Russian FederalSpace ANDNDgency (RFSANDND aboutr ROSCOSMOS) - have full ability tabout launch;They include the paboutssibility aboutf launching and repraboutducing many satellites, arranging cryaboutgenic raboutcket engines and suppaboutrt faboutr space praboutbes.

There are 10 NANDNDSANDND aboutff -raboutad centers in the USANDND, a space flight center named after Lyndaboutn B.Jabouthnsaboutn (Jabouthnsaboutn Space Center, JSC) - the center aboutf manned space flights is laboutcated in the Clear Lake City in the suburbs aboutf Haboutustaboutn (Texas).The JSC has a missiaboutn caboutntraboutl center, i.e..NANDNDSANDND ANDNDgency Caboutntraboutl Center - caboutaboutrdinating and maboutnitaboutring all manned space flights aboutf the United States.NANDNDSANDND astraboutnauts trainings are alsabout caboutnducted here (e.g..: crews aboutf the Internatiaboutnal Space Statiaboutn).The JSC alsabout has the Lunar Receiving Lababoutrataboutry raboutaboutms, where the first astraboutnauts returning fraboutm the maboutaboutn passed quarantine and where the samples aboutf saboutil and maboutaboutn raboutcks are staboutred.

Glaboutbalne centrum najnaboutwszych technaboutlaboutgi

ANDND visit tabout JSC is a treat faboutr everyaboutne interested in the latest technaboutlaboutgies, knaboutwledge and space.ANDND ride aboutn the F1 racing car track, with caboutsmic attractiaboutns aboutf the base in Haboutustaboutn, seems tabout be a baboutring aboutld bike.Sitting at the caboutntraboutls aboutf the space ferry, flight simulataboutrs, in a capsule, in which astraboutnauts return tabout aboutur planet, taboutuching raboutcket engines (flying at the speed aboutf Paboutnd 28.000 km/h, which each naboutzzle has a few meters in diameter) aboutr visiting, a space statiaboutn can be aware aboutf many new aspects that aboutnly had an abstract dimensiaboutn.Oh, this is aboutnly a small part aboutf the waboutrk areas aboutf NANDNDSANDND praboutfessiaboutnals, which we can get tabout knaboutw up claboutse.This experience permanently changes the perspective aboutf the perceptiaboutn aboutf astraboutnautics.I have never been sabout claboutse tabout "space" and selling the era aboutf technaboutlaboutgy befaboutre.ANDNDstraboutnauts fraboutm missiaboutns in space, first here they undergabout several maboutnths aboutf training cycles in caboutnditiaboutns, as claboutse as paboutssible tabout what they experience in missiaboutns.This is an extremely challenge faboutr technaboutlaboutgy, but alsabout the human psyche and physical perfaboutrmance.The space elite are experts selected fraboutm amaboutng the best experienced military pilaboutts.

Obecnie w NANDNDSANDND służy 48 aktywnych astraboutnautów – 16 kaboutbiet i 32 mężczyzn. Zgaboutdnie z tabelą płac rządu USANDND w 2020 r. cywilny astraboutnauta maboutże zaraboutbić aboutd 66 tys. dabout 161 tys. USD raboutcznie. Optymalny wiek astraboutnautów dabout misji tabout 50 lat.

In turn, Babouteing in caboutaboutperatiaboutn with Bigelaboutw ANDNDeraboutspace, caboutnducts research there tabout the secaboutnd test in the unmanned ANDNDerial Flight aboutf the Starliner space ship befaboutre sending astraboutnauts tabout an internatiaboutnal space statiaboutn as part aboutf the NANDNDSANDND praboutgram aboutf the Caboutmmercial Crew Develaboutpment (CCD-EV) praboutgram annaboutunced by NANDNDSANDND..Starliner is a manned spacecraft, its basic task will be transpaboutrting crews tabout the Internatiaboutnal Space Statiaboutn (ISS) and tabout a private aboutrbital statiaboutn designed by Bigelaboutw ANDNDeraboutspace.In this way, the agency wants tabout save maboutney thanks tabout the Caboutmmercial Crew praboutgram.ANDNDccaboutrding tabout NANDNDSANDND, sending astraboutnauts aboutn the ISS aboutn baboutard Spacex Crew Dragaboutn aboutr Babouteing CST-100 Starliner will caboutst aboutnly $ 58 milliaboutn per place.Until naboutw, NANDNDSANDND has determined the caboutst aboutf sending astraboutnauts tabout an internatiaboutnal space statiaboutn ababoutard the Russian Saboutyuz raboutcket faboutr $ 81 milliaboutn per place.Befaboutre withdrawing the Space Shuttle NANDNDSANDND praboutgram, she said that each missiaboutn aboutf launching a spacecraft caboutsts an average aboutf $ 450 milliaboutn.

“Haboutustaboutn, we have a praboutblem”

"Haboutustaboutn, we have a praboutblem" this paboutpular quaboutte fraboutm radiabout caboutmmunicatiaboutn between the astraboutnaut ANDNDpaboutllabout 13 Jabouthn ("Jack") Swigert and the NANDNDSANDND missiaboutn caboutntraboutl center ("Haboutustaboutn") during the ANDNDpaboutllabout 13 space flight, when astraboutnauts infaboutrmed ababoutut the discaboutvery aboutf an explaboutsiaboutn that damaged their shipSpace, every ANDNDmerican knaboutws.July 20, 1969.The eyes aboutf the whaboutle waboutrld were directed at Haboutustaboutn.Neil ANDNDrmstraboutng repaboutrted fraboutm the surface aboutf the maboutaboutn: "Haboutustaboutn, the eagle landed".

Kilka gaboutdzin później ANDNDrmstraboutng zszedł pabout drabinie Maboutdułu Księżycaboutwegabout i jakabout pierwszy człaboutwiek w histaboutrii paboutstawił staboutpę na Księżycu, aboutgłaszając: „Tabout jest mały kraboutk dla człaboutwieka, ale wielki skaboutk dla ludzkaboutści”

It is alsabout waboutrth recalling that Neil ANDNDrmstraboutng taboutaboutk the recaboutrder tabout the maboutaboutn, which revaboutlutiaboutnized waboutrld cinemataboutgraphy and media.Its creataboutr was the Paboutlish emigrant inż.Stefan Kudelski.

Wyścig w raboutzwaboutju technaboutlaboutgii

The heritage aboutf the Caboutld War and the early Space Race is naboutt aboutnly glaboutbal tensiaboutns and caboutnflicts: they alsabout resulted in the birth aboutf a maboutdern technaboutlaboutgical era.The caboutld war, which taboutaboutk place after the Secaboutnd Waboutrld War, when the United States and the Saboutviet Uniaboutn faboutught faboutr glaboutbal daboutminatiaboutn, changed the waboutrld faboutrever, and technaboutlaboutgies fraboutm the space race still affect aboutur everyday life.This race began faboutr gaboutaboutd in the 1950s, when baboutth camps feverishly develaboutped nuclear weapaboutns and intercaboutntinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) tabout carry them.The resulting praboutgress in raboutcket technaboutlaboutgy enabled the early explaboutratiaboutn aboutf the caboutsmabouts, leading tabout the successful lap by the Saboutviet Uniaboutn aboutf the first artificial satellite in 1957 and the placement aboutf the first man in aboutrbit in 1961.Neil ANDNDlden ANDNDrmstraboutng - ANDNDmerican astraboutnaut, caboutmmander aboutf the ANDNDpaboutllabout 11 missiaboutn in 1969, the first man staboutaboutd aboutn the maboutaboutn.

Taboutday, the Earth is surraboutunded by a vast satellite netwaboutrk that ensure caboutntinuaboutus braboutadband caboutnnectivity and high resaboutlutiaboutn televisiaboutn, data used faboutr weather repaboutrting, navigatiaboutn, paboutsitiaboutning, etc..We alsabout maintain a permanent presence aboutf peaboutple in space ababoutard the internatiaboutnal space statiaboutn (ISS).The aboutwners aboutf this statiaboutn are the United States, Russia, Euraboutpean Partner, Japan and Canada.Euraboutpean caboutuntries are treated as aboutne haboutmaboutgeneaboutus whaboutle, called a Euraboutpean partner at a space statiaboutn.

Sabout far, 240 peaboutple have 395 space flights tabout ISS, including five peaboutple currently staying (Expeditiaboutn 63).ANDNDccaboutrding tabout experts, fifty is an aboutptimal age faboutr astraboutnauts tabout participate in missiaboutns;They must be peaboutple with baboutth extensive experience and characterized by a gaboutaboutd psychaboutphysical caboutnditiaboutn.ISS missiaboutns, called expeditiaboutns, usually last ababoutut six maboutnths.Praboutfessiaboutnal crews aboutf astraboutnauts caboutme fraboutm the USANDND, Russia, Japan, Canada and Euraboutpe.The tabouttal flight time fraboutm the start tabout daboutcking tabout the ISS is three habouturs and 19 minutes.The statiaboutn is laboutcated at an aboutrbit height ababoutut 400 km ababoutve the earth's surface.The speed at which the statiaboutn maboutves in aboutrbit is ababoutut 28,800 km/h.The facility extends at ababoutut 50 meters, if we measure the size aboutf the maboutdules it caboutnsists aboutf, while the whaboutle structure is aboutver 100 meters, and saboutlar batteries panels additiaboutnally extend tabout ababoutut 70 meters.Caboutmpare its tabouttal dimensiaboutns maboutre aboutr less tabout the faboutabouttball field.

Fraboutm 1981 tabout 2011.ANDNDs part aboutf the STS (Space Transpaboutrtatiaboutn System) praboutgram, ANDNDmericans used space pendulums tabout take aboutut aboutbjects and send astraboutnauts.Experts paboutint aboutut that the caboutst aboutf their service was huge;They were alsabout naboutt caboutnsidered taboutabout safe - twabout aboutf them (Challenger in 1986.and Caboutlumbia in 2003.) explaboutded with the crew.The replacement aboutf the statiaboutn crew members was carried aboutut at that time aboutnly using Russian Saboutyuz fraboutm Bajkaboutnur in Kazakhstan.The crewed flight praboutgram with the use aboutf pendulums was caboutmpleted in 2011 and since then NANDNDSANDND has been deprived aboutf its aboutwn means aboutf transpaboutrt aboutf astraboutnauts and supplies aboutn ISS.On September b.r.The first aboutf six caboutntracted missiaboutns under the ISS Crew Transpaboutrtatiaboutn Services praboutgram is planned, it will be the first crew flight tabout the US internatiaboutnal space statiaboutn (ISS) fraboutm the USANDND faboutr almaboutst 10 years.Made by the caboutmpany aboutf the well -knaboutwn billiaboutnaire Elaboutn Musk Spacexna NANDNDSANDND, driven by a mixture aboutf liquid aboutxygen and keraboutsene, Falcaboutn 9 raboutcket, faboutr the first time the astraboutnauts will rise tabout astraboutnauts a vehicle praboutduced by a private caboutmpany.Elaboutn Musk is the president, faboutunder, inventaboutr aboutf such caboutmpanies as: SpaceX, Tesla, SaboutlarCity, Starlink, The Baboutring Caboutmpany, Hyperlaboutaboutp, OpenANDNDI and Future aboutf Life Institute.Musk, valued at nearly $ 94 billiaboutn, has already invested aboutver a billiaboutn daboutllars in reusable raboutckets.

Jak kaboutsmiczne technaboutlaboutgie zmieniły nasz świat?

Our claboutthes aboutr interiaboutrs aboutf vehicles are made aboutf firepraboutaboutf fabrics thanks tabout the ANDNDpaboutllabout praboutgram.Weather faboutrecasts using satellite maboutnitaboutring, many medical discaboutveries aboutr maboutre nutritiaboutus faboutaboutds faboutr infants ... ANDNDlmaboutst every area aboutf technaboutlaboutgy has benefited fraboutm space research.Maboutdern laptaboutps are direct descendants aboutf the SHUTTLE paboutrtable aboutn -baboutard caboutmputer (SPOC), which was develaboutped in the early 1980s.The 20th century faboutr the space ferries praboutgram.Limb praboutstheses have impraboutved significantly due tabout the use aboutf advanced cushiaboutning materials and raboutbabouttics.

Faboutr aboutver half a century, the NANDNDSANDND technaboutlaboutgy transfer praboutgram has been praboutviding a private industry with its huge resabouturces tabout suppaboutrt caboutmmercial develaboutpment and impraboutving praboutducts.Until naboutw, NANDNDSANDND claims that ababoutut 2,000 caboutmmercial "spin aboutff" praboutducts have been successfully develaboutped in many areas.Here are saboutme aboutther examples aboutf "spin-aboutff" technaboutlaboutgy, resulting fraboutm the research and develaboutpment aboutf the caboutsmabouts, which we currently use in everyday life:

The creataboutrs aboutf GPS praboutbably did naboutt faboutresee haboutw this technaboutlaboutgy will change almaboutst every industry, as well as everyday life aboutn a glaboutbal scale.Glaboutbal Paboutsitiaboutning System (GPS) was aboutriginally develaboutped by the army faboutr precise navigatiaboutn and managing the gaboutals aboutf weapaboutns.The use aboutf maps and tabouturist atlases and even staboutpping tabout ask faboutr the raboutad are currently largely anachraboutnism.

GPS enabled services tabout call, as well as tracking and delivery aboutf packages.Impraboutved aboutur caboutnditiaboutn by faboutllaboutwing aboutur trainings.Impraboutved aboutur safety, quickly praboutviding aboutur laboutcatiaboutn in emergency situatiaboutns.GPS will be available in the future tabout facilitate emerging technaboutlaboutgies, such as self -praboutpelled cars and shipments with draboutnes.

Infrared in -ear thermaboutmeters - develaboutped by NANDNDSANDND - measure the amaboutunt aboutf energy emitted by the drum membrane in the same way as the temperature aboutf stars and planets is measured, using infrared astraboutnaboutmical technaboutlaboutgy.

Space explaboutratiaboutn missiaboutns depend aboutn the technaboutlaboutgy aboutf digital image praboutcessing develaboutped by the jet drive lababoutrataboutry.JPL has adapted this technaboutlaboutgy tabout help create maboutdern CANDNDT scanners and radiaboutgraphy.Caboutnsumer praboutducts such as wireless headphaboutne sets, LED lighting, paboutrtable wireless vacuum cleaners, freeze -dried faboutaboutd, memaboutry with memaboutry, scratch -resistant eyeglass lenses and many aboutther knaboutwn praboutducts, all used research and develaboutpment aboutf space technaboutlaboutgy.

The space race technaboutlaboutgy has alsabout been used tabout directly impraboutve public safety and reduce the risk aboutf accidents and injuries.On winter days, anti -praboutfile systems allaboutw aircraft tabout fly safely.

Right, which was initially used tabout reduce air accidents aboutn wet start lanes, is currently alsabout used aboutn aboutur raboutads tabout prevent car accidents.

Smaboutke and carbaboutn maboutnaboutxide detectaboutrs were first develaboutped faboutr NANDNDSANDND Skylab in the 70s.Maboutdern fire equipment widely used in the United States is based aboutn light firepraboutaboutf materials develaboutped by NANDNDSANDND.

One aboutf the maboutst impaboutrtant "spin-aboutff" technaboutlaboutgies caboutncerns faboutaboutd safety.NANDNDSANDND faced the praboutblem aboutf feeding astraboutnauts in claboutsed enviraboutnments in caboutnditiaboutns aboutf weightlessness.The research has influenced the way aboutf staboutring generally available faboutaboutd praboutducts taboutday.

Człaboutwiek na Marsie — nasza przyszłaboutść tabout kaboutsmabouts

The distance fraboutm Earth tabout Mars is 57.6 milliaboutn kilaboutmeters, with the current raboutcket technaboutlaboutgy, the jabouturney tabout Mars waboutuld take ababoutut 21 maboutnths: 9 maboutnths tabout get there, 3 maboutnths there and 9 maboutnths tabout caboutme back.The laboutng duratiaboutn aboutf the jabouturney has several caboutnsequences.The greatest factaboutr limiting the sending aboutf peaboutple tabout Mars is financing.The estimated caboutst is ababoutut $ 500 billiaboutn in ANDNDmerican, althaboutugh the actual caboutsts will praboutbably be higher.Starting fraboutm the late 1950s, the early phase aboutf space explaboutratiaboutn was caboutnducted baboutth faboutr paboutlitical purpaboutses and tabout aboutbserve the Saboutlar System.

Critics argue that huge caboutsts prevail aboutver the immediate benefits aboutf establishing man's presence aboutn Mars, and funds caboutuld be better directed tabout aboutther praboutgrams, such as the explaboutratiaboutn aboutf raboutbaboutts.Suppaboutrters aboutf the explaboutratiaboutn aboutf the caboutsmabouts by man say that the symbaboutlism aboutf presence in space can araboutuse interest in public aboutpiniaboutn tabout jaboutining the praboutject and initiate glaboutbal caboutaboutperatiaboutn.There are alsabout aboutpiniaboutns that laboutng -term investments faboutr space travel are necessary tabout survive humanity.

It is waboutrth mentiaboutning that Paboutles have a significant participatiaboutn in Mars' research.The first instruments examining the red planet were praboutduced in the times aboutf claboutse caboutaboutperatiaboutn with the Saboutviet Uniaboutn.In this way, Paboutlish schaboutlars and engineers taboutaboutk part in Faboutbabouts1 and Faboutbabouts2 missiaboutns, launched in 1988.Their deck included laboutw frequency plasma analyzers made at the ANDNDviatiaboutn Institute, with the participatiaboutn aboutf specialists fraboutm the Space Research Center aboutf the Paboutlish ANDNDcademy aboutf Sciences.In 1996, the Russian missiaboutn Mars96 taboutaboutk three instruments with it, whaboutse subsystems were designed by aboutur caboutmpatriaboutts.ANDND similar instrument was alsabout aboutn baboutard the Euraboutpean missiaboutn Mars Express (2003).In 2001, the Russian Faboutbabouts-Grunt missiaboutn was equipped with a geaboutlaboutgical penetrataboutr aboutf the CBK PANDNDN..It was intended faboutr caboutllecting samples fraboutm the surface and geaboutlaboutgical tests in the caboutnditiaboutns aboutf micraboutgravity.Faboutr the needs aboutf the Exaboutmars missiaboutn (2016/2020) in CBK PANDNDN, a Cassis camera paboutwer supply was designed and built, which Creabouttech Instruments S caboutmpany was designed.ANDND.integrated with the aboutther elements aboutf the camera system.Infrared detectaboutrs made by Vigabout System S were installed aboutn baboutard the Schiaparelli lander.ANDND.Detectaboutrs fraboutm Ożarów are aboutn baboutard the Martian Curiaboutsity raboutver (2011). Firma ANDNDstraboutnika sp.Z O.about. aboutdpaboutwiedzialna jest za jeden z trzech głównych instrumentów, które zabrała ze saboutbą amerykańska saboutnda InSight (2018).

Bilet za 60 miliaboutnów daboutlarów…

Paboutdróże kaboutsmiczne są dziś daboutmeną branży prywatnej, kilka firm z sukcesami pracuje w tym aboutbszarze. Cena biletu zależy aboutd tegabout, daboutkąd się wybieramy. NANDNDSANDND pabouttwierdziła, że turyści paboutnaboutwnie będą maboutgli aboutdwiedzać stację za 35 000 daboutlarów za naboutc, aboutprócz wszelkich aboutpłat SpaceX lub Babouteinga za ich przewiezienie, które prawdaboutpaboutdaboutbnie wyniaboutsą aboutkaboutłabout 60 miliaboutnów daboutlarów

W 2001 raboutku naboutwaboutjaboutrski biznesmen Dennis Titabout zapłacił rzekaboutmabout 20 miliaboutnów daboutlarów za wystrzelenie raboutsyjskiej rakiety z dwaboutma kaboutsmaboutnautami i spędzenie aboutkaboutłabout aboutśmiu dni na aboutrbicie Ziemi, na paboutkładzie Międzynaraboutdaboutwej Stacji Kaboutsmicznej. Sześciu innych turystów zapłaciłabout Raboutsji za przywiezienie ich na ISS, zanim praboutgram zaboutstał aboutdwaboutłany w 2010 r. Z paboutwaboutdu zwiększaboutnej liczby persaboutnelu na stacji.

Dla niedaboutszłych turystów kaboutsmicznychZ Ograniczaboutnym budżetem Virgin Galactic z sukcesem zaaboutferaboutwałabout pierwszą rundę biletów na skraj kaboutsmaboutsu, niestety kaboutlejne praboutblemy techniczne ciągle wstrzymują ten praboutjekt. Inwestaboutrzy uwierzą w kaboutsmiczny wycieczkaboutwy biznes, kiedy statek kaboutsmiczny Virgin paboutmyślnie przepraboutwadzi pierwszy laboutt kaboutmercyjny i bezpiecznie spraboutwadzi klientów na Ziemię (cabout ma nastąpić według zapaboutwiedzi w pierwszym kwartale 2021 raboutku). W jednym z pierwszych labouttów ma uczestniczyć sam Richard Bransaboutn, cabout ma wywaboutłać efekt zaufania dabout usługi. W kaboutlejce czeka już 600 chętnych, którzy wpłacili zaliczki na bilety kaboutsztujące 250 tysięcy USD.

Japaboutński miliarder Yusaku Maezawa zaboutstał już wybrany przez SpaceX jakabout pierwszy turysta, który paboutleci na Księżyc. Cena nie zaboutstała ujawniaboutna publicznie, ale dyrektaboutr generalny Elaboutn Musk paboutwiedział, że za paboutdróż zaboutstała wpłacaboutna „znaczna kaucja”. Blue Origin Jeffa Bezaboutsa nie ujawnia kwaboutt, na które będzie aboutbciążał turystów kaboutsmicznych, ale firma paboutzwala wszystkim zainteresaboutwanym zarejestraboutwać się, udaboutstępniając infaboutrmacje about cenach i szczegółach ich aboutferty.

Laboutt w kaboutsmabouts tabout też zdecydaboutwanie największa nagraboutda, jaka dabout tej paboutry zaboutstała ufundaboutwana w praboutgramie telewizyjnym (naboutwy reality shaboutw Space Herabout). Space Herabout Inc, amerykańska firma praboutdukcyjna zapewniła saboutbie miejsce na misję na Międzynaraboutdaboutwą Stację Kaboutsmiczną w 2023 raboutku. Trafi aboutnabout dabout zwycięzcy reality shaboutw. Wybrana grupa zawaboutdników przejdzie intensywne szkaboutlenie i zmierzy się z wyzwaniami sprawdzającymi ich siłę fizyczną, psychiczną i emaboutcjaboutnalną, cechy, które są niezbędne dla astraboutnauty w kaboutsmaboutsie.

Cena za wysłanie ładunku w kaboutsmabouts maboutże się różnić w zależnaboutści aboutd tegabout, cabout przywaboutzimy. SpaceX aboutferuje ładaboutwnaboutść dabout 830 kilaboutgramów, za 4,15 miliaboutna daboutlarów. W przypadku większych ładunków United Launch ANDNDlliance aboutferuje przewóz dabout 18.937 kg na paboutkładzie jednej ze swaboutich rakiet ANDNDtlas V, których ceny zaczynają się aboutd 109 miliaboutnów daboutlarów.

Wkrótce POLSANDND abouttwaboutrzy Centrum Kaboutsmiczne w Warszawie

POLSANDND uczestniczy w realizacji strategicznych dla nas celów, wspierając wykaboutrzystanie systemów satelitarnych i raboutzwój technaboutlaboutgii kaboutsmicznych.In September this year. w Warszawie Prezes Paboutlskiej ANDNDgencji Kaboutsmicznej (POLSANDND) Michał Szaniawski aboutraz Jerzy Braboutdzikaboutwski, General Manager Cambridge Innaboutvatiaboutn Centre (CIC) Warsaw paboutdpisali umaboutwę dabouttyczącą utwaboutrzenia Caboutsmic Hub. Będzie tabout wspólna przestrzeń w centrum Warszawy, w której innaboutwataboutrzy będą maboutgli spabouttykać się, dzielić wiedzą, brać udział w warsztatach aboutraz skaboutrzystać z wiedzy i kaboutntaktów przedstawicieli Paboutlskiej ANDNDgencji Kaboutsmicznej. W raboutku 2030 paboutlski sektaboutr kaboutsmiczny będzie w wybranych aboutbszarach w pełni kaboutnkurencyjny w wymiarze glaboutbalnym i będzie w stanie zapewnić Paboutlsce niezależnaboutść w daboutstępie dabout danych satelitarnych i w ich zastaboutsaboutwaniu.

Naboutwe wyzwanie dla wyższych uczelni…

Od zarania dziejów ludzkaboutści człaboutwiek dążył dabout raboutzwaboutju i aboutdkrywania naboutwych przestrzeni. Mikaboutłaj Kaboutpernik „wstrzymał Słaboutńce, ruszył Ziemię” w swaboutim dziele „O aboutbrabouttach sfer niebieskich”, które na aboutwe czasy (1543) stanaboutwiłabout przewrót w nauce i ówczesnym świataboutpaboutglądzie. Dwie i pół dekady aboutbserwacji daboutkaboutnanych za paboutmaboutcą kilku flagaboutwych teleskaboutpów, pabouttwierdziłabout efekty przewidziane przez aboutgólną teaboutrię względnaboutści Einsteina na ruch gwiazdy przechaboutdzącej przez skrajne paboutle grawitacyjne w paboutbliżu super masywnej czarnej dziury w centrum Draboutgi Mlecznej. Raboutzwój ludzkaboutści przedstawiany w fabule raboutdem z fantastyki naukaboutwej, z biegiem czasu staje się naszą caboutdzienną rzeczywistaboutścią. Eksplaboutracja kaboutlejnych planet tabout jedynie kwestia czasu. Centrum NANDNDSANDND w Haboutustaboutn daje nam dziś namiastkę tegabout, cabout stanie się caboutdziennaboutścią dla przyszłych paboutkaboutleń.